Bebenina, E. Kelkaj malkutimaj metodoj de marketinga batalo por sciencaj kaj esploraj organizoj. Several innovative ways of marketing fight for high-tech and research organisations //Grundlagenstudien aus Kybernetik und Geisteswissenschaft. - Band 52/ Heft 4. - Paderborn, 2011. – PP. 182-186. - 0,4 п.л.

The article is devoted to high-tech marketing promotion and design organisations, which are often neglected because of advertising is not as explicit defence on the success of fame, as for example the organization involved in trading or selling to final consumers. Another common mistake is not to consider their professional characteristics that change the orientation of the promoters, put more emphasis in the work, and make significant adjustments in marketing strategy.

The article consists of two subsections - improving the scientific image of the organisation as a means of increasing customer loyalty in B2B. This section addresses the issues and the correct filing date guide dissemination of information about the organisation. The second section - referred to as the training of employees - not just their own business, and the factor of competition. This section deals with the main difference in the promotion strategy for an organisation whose performance and reputation depend on the level of education of employees.

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